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Na petek, 10. 1. 2020, smo učenci manjše učne skupine pri pouku angleščine pod vodstvom učiteljice Sabine Stauber Nipič nadaljevali s prazničnim vzdušjem v gospodinjski učilnici. Vsi smo bili zadolženi, da prinesemo nekaj sestavin za pripravo »Club sandwich-a«, katere smo tekom ure tudi pripravili in pojedli.

It all started with the girls washing and cutting the salad while some of the boys opened the cheese and sausage packages. We also opened a pickle jar, ketchup and mayonaise. Our teacher helped us place the toast onto a baking tray so we could lighty toast them to get them nice and crunchy. We formed a line and everybody could make their own sandwich of choice with the ingredients given.
Some ate one, others two, but we all left class with our bellies full and happy. Me and the other kids in my class think we should do that again some time!

Nika Ljeskovac, 9. a

(Skupno 414 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)